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Why technology is the key to increased business maturity and growth

Why technology is the key to increased business maturity and growth

Posted by HTG

Sixty-six percent of SMEs believe technology improves business performance.

Yes, your company no doubt already uses technology. However, there’s room for improvement. By embracing technologies such as automation and virtual desktops, you can enjoy more benefits.

Bearing this in mind, let's look at why technology is a key driver of business maturity and growth.

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Improve resilience

When you modernise and move into the cloud, you'll enable staff to work remotely. This means your organisation can continue operations regardless of office issues. Or, when there are other unexpected circumstances (such as global pandemics).

What's more, the switch to the cloud means you can enjoy a more consistent tech infrastructure. That’s because cloud operators always include redundancy features, and avoid a single point of failure in their systems

To understand what your current infrastructure looks like, and how best to modernise, you can take advantage of our free data and infrastructure assessment.

Enhance productivity

Deploying cutting-edge technology will also boost productivity.

For example, when you deploy a tool like Microsoft Power Platform. This will help you to democratise application building. So, now, staff can create workflows that automate their daily activities. This also means they can focus on more engaging and innovative tasks.

Another aspect of boosting productivity involves de-siloing your information. When you build a connected digital workspace, perhaps within Microsoft 365, staff can share and access valuable data seamlessly.

Discover insights

Naturally, when you embrace digitisation and migrate to the cloud, your business will have better access to useful data.

To connect, analyse and make use of this data, it makes sense to use a tool such as PowerBI. Then, you can build data models that deliver tangible business improvements. Indeed, with visual dashboards, it's straightforward for even non-technical staff members to uncover crucial insights.

Reduced costs

If you move more of your resources to the cloud, you'll immediately reduce your hardware costs. The less obvious benefit is that you'll also reduce the costs of maintenance on your systems. Now, when servers have issues, it's a challenge for your cloud vendor to solve. This leaves your IT team to focus on higher leverage activities.

It's also worth noting that you'll enjoy other financial perks. For example, an OPEX rather than CAPEX pricing model, which will make you more cost-efficient and agile.

Ready to accelerate your business maturity?

Thirty-eight percent of businesses say software as a service is very important in helping them to achieve their goals. And, 33 percent say big data is very important.

So, it's clear that technology and modern IT is important for business growth. Indeed, from enhanced productivity to reduced costs, your business is sure to enjoy a variety of benefits that level up its business maturity.

If you're curious about what the next steps could entail for your company, get in contact with our team today.

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