At the end of last week some updates were released to AppSense Environment Manager, taking the current version up to There are no new features, this is merely a maintenance release. The issues which have been rectified in this version are listed below (pulled together from the release notes which are available from the AppSense website)
EM Console 8.0.977.0 supported as App-V package
When the EM console is delivered as an App-V package it is not possible to browse for registry keys when creating registry actions (for keys or values)
Double-byte characters in filenames cause sync failure on client and NullException on Personalization Server
If a user adds a favourite to Internet Explorer that contains double-byte characters, the application fails to sync and generates an exception on the Personalization Server
Certificate Management / Roaming Profile do not appear to influence profile state
When running on a mandatory profile, the application Avaya one-X Communicator was displaying an error message that settings could not be encrypted. This was due to an unexpected bit set in the profile state (0x00030101 – the 3 was unexpected) which caused Environment Manager’s roaming profile emulation logic to fail.
Personalization Intermittently Failing
If a user adds a favourite to Internet Explorer that contains double-byte characters, the application fails to sync and generates an exception on the Personalization Server
Personalization Sync Failures and slow app launch due to double-byte characters
Users are accessing documents within Microsoft Word that have double byte characters in the name. When the application closes Environment Manager attempts to sync the “Recent” link but this fails. The next time Word is launched it takes around 30 seconds to open instead of the usual 3 seconds.
EM 8.2.206 PVC not writing sub key in virtual on read
There is an issue within PVC.dll (responsible for virtualization) when virtualizing registry keys, where sub key counts were over-written with value counts (that is, the value count was being used for both sub key and value counts). As a result, if a queried registry key has no values it is seen as having no sub keys, and therefore the sub keys are not being Personalized.
Personalization Errors (Event 9661)
Personalization is failing on the endpoint with event 9661 “A timeout occurred whilst trying to communicate with the Personalization Server”. This is being caused by double byte characters in Microsoft Office .lnk files
Emuser.exe not started after fast login
When the endpoint was upgraded the installer failed to set the ServiceGroupOrder property for the EM Core Service, preventing it from starting and therefore not starting emuser.exe.